Built on web3. Powered by You.

The Future of Arbitrage swap is here

You can now arbitrage on any token with a protocol trusted by thousands for its performance and reliability.

All-time trade volume


Total Trades


Have you ever wondered how its possible to see a 20% price gap on our Dex?

Prices on different Dex are always the same because of arbitrage bots buying and selling the moment they detect price difference across different tokens and they do this within seconds thereby making it impossible for ordinary humans to compete or cease the opportunity.
‍ But at DesGap, we have disabled the connections and use of arbitrage bots to give real humans a fair opportunity to do the work themselves. So whenever you see large price gap, don't hesitate to do the work yourself and pocket the profit.

Buy/Sell tokens up to 20% above or below market price

Low-risk liquidity pools

Super cheap transactions

Utilizes the most liquid AMMs

Low Slippage & Permissionless trading

Fully composable

Fully decentralized. Completely secure.

We have all been in this industry too long not to make the security of your Swap execution our absolute top priority. We’ve received multiple audits from Open Zeppelin and Trail of Bits, as well as code reviews from white hat researchers.

Constant reviews and testing of our platform
Your trade executions are as secure as possible
Fully decentralized and non-custodial
Built by seasoned crypto veterans

Built on web3. Owned by you.

Unlike Palpatine, we love democracy. That’s why our platform is designed to be governed by you.

Want Cashback exposure on your favorite crypto assets? We have just enough liquidity to back you and the protocol will automatically add it as a priority.

Want to passively earn high yields from trades, fees and FST rewards? Simply provide liquidity or close price gaps across different Dex.

Take full advantage of everything Pulsechain, Binance, Arbitrum and Avalanche have to offer.

Say goodbye to eye-watering gas fees
Execute your trades instantly
Trade from any device
Gain arbitrage exposure on unique token pairs

Take Full Control Of Your Crypto

Built on Ethereum, Binance, Pulsechain and Avalanche, our decentralized arbitrage trading protocol focuses on providing passive income and financial freedom for trader ready to put in the work.


Backed by the best